Wireless Battle Mesh

Wireless Battle Mesh v4 - Call for papers (update)

The submission for papers is now open since 2 weeks, nonetheless quite some
ideas have already surfaced. Below you will find the current list of submitted
talks/panel discussions/workshops but you still can send in your idea - the
call for paper still is open for another 3 weeks but time is quickly running

Technical Track:

  • Wireless Battle Mesh - The past, present and future
    (panel discussion - Marek Lindner & Xavier Carcelle)
  • Recompiling AirOS with routing protocols
    (talk - Ninux)
  • Forming mesh mobs - multicast optimizations for batman-adv
    (talk - Simon Wunderlich & Linus Luessing)
  • Babel Z: routing accross multiple radio frequencies
    (talk - Juliusz Chroboczek)
  • Google summer of code - old projects and new ideas
    (talk - Freifunk, Funkfeuer & Ninux)
  • OpenWRT - master your router (flashing/uci configuration/packages)
    (workshop - Nicolas Thill)
  • Lightening talks

Application Track:

  • Wireless communities around the world
    (talk - guifi.net, Freifunk, Funkfeuer, Ninux & Ljubljana)
  • VoIP over mesh made easy - the mesh potatoe
    (talk - Elektra)

Open Questions:

The GSoC presentation is meant to show case the past Freifunk GSoC projects,
preferably by the students itself and/or their mentors. Can each participating
group (Freifunk, Funkfeuer & Ninux) provide a list of their projects /
students / mentors and their travel plans.

If you have any question or suggestion, please let me know.


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