Tuning Cerowrt

Cerowrt contains some advanced features that are disabled by default due to in part lack of easy means to enable them.

Using DNS forwarders

DNS servers throughout the globe are often badly implemented, and do not support advanced features
such as IPv6 and DNSSEC. However, most ISPs do provide a local DNS server for use that caches a significant amount of data, thus reducing latencies for DNS lookups by a lot. It is best to leverage that DNS server if possible.

We have supplied an example forwarders.conf file with fixed pointers to comcasts’ DNSSEC enabled servers, however they do not work if you are not on comcast’s network.

So, find out the DNS servers your ISP provides pass DNSSEC data, and if so, enter those servers into
the forwarders.conf file, and enable using it by uncommenting the relevant line in named.conf.

Your DNS lookups will remain secure, and speed up by a lot.

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Flent Network Test Suite
The Cake shaper
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Network Performance Related Resources

Jim Gettys' Blog - The chairman of the Fjord
Toke's Blog - Karlstad University's work on bloat
Voip Users Conference - Weekly Videoconference mostly about voip
Candelatech - A wifi testing company that "gets it".